Monday, November 14, 2011


Addictions. They come in a lot of different forms, but some are more harmful than others. Some are addicted to drugs, facebook, watching tv, or inflicting pain on themselves. I guess what they all have in common is that these addictions are mostly hurtful to the slave of them. Although, you cannot ignore the people around them that are also being affected. I guess one could argue that some addictions are good things, but, what makes them unhealthy idols, is that they become more important than honoring God.
I once was told that if you are addicted to something, it becomes your master. It replaces God. You can't be a slave to both your addiction and to him, so who are you going to choose? Most of the time, we humans want to live in the now. We act on how we feel now. Our emotions control us even when our brains say "NO! You must stop this addiction!" Thus, we choose the idol over God.
Addictions are not that easy to stop though. Sometimes we think, "Oh, God will forgive me so let me sin for a little while and I will stop eventually. Just let me get my fix for now." HAH. as if.
First, no it's not just going to be simple to stop. I struggle with my own personal addictions. I knew it was wrong, but didn't see it as an addiction until I compared myself to a friend who was addicted to something that seemed far more serious. At that point I realized that it is indeed an addiction. I also realized that if I was just told to stop it'd be really difficult.
Secondly, Romans 7:15-20 basically states that you, as a christian, hate your addiction, but your human body is still a slave to sin. This doesn't mean you can get comfortable, though. Romans chapter 6 talks about why we should not let sin (insert addiction here) take over our lives. If Christ has paid your debts, then through him, you receive his righteousness. Not so that you can "safely sin", but so that you can DEFEAT IT!
I would ask you now, look at your own personal addictions and consider how Christ could expel it from you. Even if you are not a christian, consider the fact that the one and only God is the one and only way to release yourself from addictions/idols/sins.

Ah. I had to get this off my mind since it's been bugging me pretty much the whole weekend. It is time for me to go to school now, but somehow I feel a little bit stronger for having made the connections between God's word and my life situations. Ciao!

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