So I got a little confused as to which post I was on. I am glad to say that I have figured this out and am back to the right day. ^_^ Anyways, since my big brother most likely is not going to see this, I can write about how much I am annoyed by him. Yay. So he acts all jealous all the time and keeps breaking up with his gf cause he thinks she's cheating or something. But like when she is finally saying she is done with him then he just wants to see her phone and like finally have some kind of evidence against her even though he has seen it before. Anyways, what do I think about this? This is one of the things I have against romantic relationships between young people. There's too much drama, not enough trust. People think they like each other or something and it just ends up in more brokenness and divorce. Idk.. it really is depressing. Then that makes me think too, how many people go into a relationship thinking "Is this the person I want to marry and spend the rest of my life with?"? I wish I had the actual statistics here to prove this, but in my stat class the teacher mentioned how about 50% of all marriages end up in divorce. Now THAT is pathetic. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU AMERICA??? Before I go into all the reasons why I am annoyed with this country I think I will just stop here and go to bed. Ciao!
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