If only sleeping on it did anything besides giving you neck pains.. |
At certain points of the day it seemed as if I had so much going through my mind and then I sit down to write and I go blank. I have decided that today is just one of those days when I am just so tired that the thoughts go in one ear and out the other. Now, if you have ever tried studying while you are tired and just out of it, then you might understand exactly how I felt today. This morning I didn't have classes so I figured it could be a study day. Only problem is last night I didn't go to bed exactly early, (yeah, typical teenager I suppose), and this morning I had a babysitting job real early. Basically, I was just downright tired before the day had barely begun. After the job, I realized my math homework was due tomorrow and I still needed to purchase my access code for the online thing. So obviously I couldn't start my homework just yet. Got the code after a long wait in line but only got home just in time to take the twins to another track practice. Finally, after dropping them off, I got a chance to study at the library... where I fell asleep! (Oops!) Remembering where I was, I woke myself up every now and then, and read more of my LBH to make sure I wasn't getting weird looks for being well... idk is that normal or strange to fall asleep at a library? Anyways, it wasn't even that restful, cause as soon as I got home I was hungry and tired. Like really hungry. After dinner I attempted my Math hw. I was still too tired even to get past the second problem. So I fell asleep with my book in my hands, (very uncomfortable on a narrow wooden bench), and with a borrowed laptop on the table next to me for when I woke up. Oh how I wish you could just sleep on those books and dream the information or somehow be rested while learning. *sigh* I suppose that is sorta the inspiration for what I finally decided for today's picture. Sorry for making this so long. Maybe I'll be too tired to write this much tomorrow. xD
Bonsoir mes amis!
p.s. haven't taken french in awhile, hope I'm still remembering correctly. lol
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